Description: Delineation of jurisdictional waters for road repairs following wildfires
Client: Ames, Caltrans
Locations: Hemet, San Bernardino County, California
Years: 2018 - Current Over 120 crossings were evaluated for potential jurisdictional waters in a timely manner so that recommendations can be made earlier and speed the process for attaining suitable permits for the project to move forward.
Services Provided
Desktop research for existing conditions
Field verifications for jurisdictional delineations
JD report
Recommendations based on findings for potential permits
I-15 Express Lanes Project
Description: Expansion of express lanes that are near critical habitat and Santa Ana River
Client: Skanska-Ames joint venture, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Locations: Riverside County, California
Years: 2018 - Current Vigilance for this project has been key to preventing biological potential issues for nesting birds and other sensitive species such as the Santa Ana sucker, least Bell’s vireo, and bats that can negatively impact construction activities.