Red Bluff Substation, 105 acres and 5-mile access road
Primm Switchyard, 105 acres and 5-mile access road
El-Dorado-Ivanpah Project, approximately 15 miles long
Fort Irwin Reliability Project, 16 miles long
Deteriorated Pole Replacement Program, various pole locations
Description: Construction of new substation and switchyard, repair and maintenance of existing power lines and poles
Client: Southern California Edison and various consulting firms
Locations: Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, Santa Barbara County, Orange County, Kern County, Ventura County
Years: 2008 - Current Anticipating potential biological issues early in the planning process for these projects has prevented project delays due to biological resources and resulted in zero take of sensitive species.
Services Provided
Habitat Assessments
Protocol-level surveys
Mohave ground squirrel live trapping and camera trapping
Jurisdictional waters delineation
Regulatory agency communications
Technical reports and management plans
Avian point counts and nesting bird surveys
Plant salvage and monitoring
Invasive weed management
Wildlife exclusion
Pre-construction and clearance surveys
Compliance monitoring and training
Utilities Communications Projects
Description: Various cell tower locations
Client: ICT, Intellecom, TriLeaf
Locations: Maintenance of existing cell towers and survey for proposed cell tower locations
Years: 2016 - Present Our flexibility with various projects allowed us to complete these projects quickly and efficiently without any biological issues.